Tuesday 20 September 2011

Undead Nightmare

An add-on game for the brilliant Rockstar game Red Dead Redemption, but this time, instead of chasing villains, you are shooting zombies!

You continue the game as John Marston, the same character used in most of RDR, and the storyline picks up after he has been reunited with his wife and son. They live back on the ranch, and spend their days farming. But one night, a man they know as “Uncle” comes to the house looking like a creature from the grave, and begins to attack the Marston family. The man manages to infect John’s boy by biting him, who then bites his mother, turning them both into zombies. John quickly ties them up so that they wont go on a bloodthirsty rampage across the land, and instead, goes off himself, in search of answers for this deadly curse.

It is a rudimentary plotline, and one that does not get much more complex as you play the game. John has a few run-ins with some of his old acquaintances across the nearby towns, and a few of them give him suggestions as to what is causing the uprising. Your job, alongside finding an end to the nightmare, is to protect as many of the towns as you can from the zombies, aiding the survivors in whatever way you can - either by fighting with them, or giving them your precious ammo.

Cleansing churches is also a large part of this game, going around burning coffins and then taking out the remaining blood-demons, which can be a tough task. They have to either be shot in the head, or burnt.

Initially my experience with this game was quite negative. I found the hordes of zombies quite difficult to handle, and was often just running away from them. It was not until I gathered an extensive arsenal of awesome weapons that the real fun began. Some of the instruments of death you collect along the way are brilliant, such as the explosive rifle, or Holy Water.

Riding across the landscape, at first can seem ethereal, but soon gets tiresome. I recommend using the “travel to location” option at any of you home bases, which allows you to emerge in many of the different towns and locations across the map. It saves bucket loads of time.

Another tip, there is a quest to find the “mythical creatures” at random points as you travel. I urge you to follow them, it will make your experience of the game twice as good when you find them.

Overall this was a fun game, but one not worth the still high price tag attached to it. It is quite short, tedious in some places, but manages bring another “life” to what is an already amazing game (RDR).

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