Thursday 1 September 2011

Mass Effect 2

The continuation of the legendary science fiction action game, it combines everything that is great about gaming, storytelling and breathtaking visuals.

Mass Effect is a futuristic world where humans exist alongside countless other alien races, some of which are friendly others which are not so much. In the first game the objective was to stop an evil Spector named Saren from destroying the universe with a Reaper. The second game picks up where it left off, but now Shepard must solve the mysterious colonial abductions which are taking place randomly across the galaxy, whereby humans are being wiped out from planets leaving no trace.

Having completed the first Mass Effect, I was urged by my gaming-brothers-in-arms to carry straight on into the sequel, and I am extremely glad I did. Many of the career choices you make in the first game have dramatic consequences in the second, if you choose to continue with your saved game. Everything from the way your character looked, to the background of his character, as well as important decisions from the storyline can all be carried over, enriching the experience greatly. I thoroughly recommend, also, to play the first game before getting started with the second, you will find the experience far more rewarding.

Many improvements have been made in this sequel; the fighting aspects have been made far more fluid, the guns are better, the powers are less confusing, and once you get used to it, they are far more entertaining. The storyline is very compelling, Shepard travelling to different planets trying to establish a mammoth team of extraordinary fighters from difference species, in order to fight this looming evil presence that is stealing humans. The whole game has been enlarged, spreading over two discs, and the vast quantities of unexplored planets and systems can offer hours of entertainment.

If you are unwilling to immerse yourself into such a demanding game, spend the time that it requires to enjoy it fully, you may find this game repetitive and even boring. But for those who enjoy not just playing games, but experiencing them, this is a game that has so much to offer, and the whole Mass Effect series is likely to be one the greatest achievements in modern gaming. By combining games, allowing you to make choices and decisions that will have a knock-on effect in the next game, the creators have made an absolutely addictive gaming experience, one that I urge any serious game player to embark upon.

Bring on Mass Effect 3!

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