Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Batman: Arkham City (2011)

A mighty successor to Arkham Asylum, this time, Batman is locked inside a prison in the heart of Gotham, that is five times bigger than the Asylum.

Few games have ever come along of this calibre, and if you have played, and loved, the first instalment, you will know where I am coming from. The Batman series has managed to create its own league within the games industry, with very little competition.

Arkham City follows many of the traits of its predecessor, but adds extra gadgets, abilities, and new game play in order to make it fresh. The result is an enthralling game, with an amazing storyline, a great script, and captivating characters (drawn from the original comics, such as: Mr Freeze, Two-Face, and, of course, The Joker).

The most impressive element to this game has to be this city-wide prison that is housing countless criminals, as well as political prisoners, and the lonely Bruce Wayne. Headed by a skilful, yet, evil, Dr Strange, the prison was supposed to be Gotham’s answer to its endless crime problem, but has instead created a breeding ground for notorious gangs and thugs. Gliding through these dark city streets, and skimming water or hanging from vantage points is an essential part of the play, and something that does not tire.

Most games opt for a half-hearted script, in order for the game to keep moving, however, the Arkham games have some of the best dialogue and character development going. Some of the scenes with baddies are so brilliantly staged, they seem more like high quality films than game sequences, and the cut scenes are moments you want to relish and enjoy, not skip and move on from.

If I were to highlight any criticism, it would be that the Riddler challenges became a little tedious after a while, due to the vast quantities of them. But, apart from that, every aspect of this game is enjoyable, and it is a world I will go back to again and again.